RTCC works to accelerate the growth of the cleantech economy by supporting companies that both create and use clean technologies. Our members are both creators and users of established and emerging technologies in the areas of energy, water, transportation, infrastructure, internet of things, sustainability, and energy efficiency. In addition to building our ecosystem, RTCC is instrumental in working with our members to market the region as a global leader in cleantech, identify opportunities for collaboration, talent recruitment, educating our policymakers, facilitating demonstration and implementation projects, advancing company growth, and attracting cleantech investment. 

We offer tiered membership levels for engagement. Below is a list of membership levels by category and member type.

Board of Directors

Fee: $25,000/year for industry; $1,500/year for academic

Ideal for a strategic, high-profile company developing or deploying cleantech solutions. Designed for firms that want a customized portfolio of services with higher level exposure and networking.

Membership includes:

  • Seat on the Board of Directors.
  • Two seats on Advisory Council.
  • Unlimited participation in Action Committees.
  • Complimentary access to all RTCC events and programming.
  • Membership extends to all employees.
  • Special invites to RTCC strategic opportunities.
  • Membership requires approval by the board.


Fee: $15,000/year

Designed for members that want higher-level exposure and networking.

Membership includes:

  • One seat on Advisory Council.
  • Unlimited participation in Action Committees.
  • Complimentary access to all RTCC events and programming.
  • Membership extends to all employees.
  • Special invites to RTCC strategic opportunities.
  • Membership requires approval by the board.


Fee: $5,000/year for organizations with 1000+ NC employees; $2,500/year for 25-999 NC employees; $1,500/year for 1-24 NC employees

Designed for firms deploying or developing cleantech solutions.

Membership includes:

  • Unlimited participation in Action Committees
  • Special discounts on RTCC events and programming
  • Membership requires approval by the board

Professional Services

Fee: $5,000/year for organizations with 1000+ NC employees; $2,500/year for 25-999 NC employees; $1,500/year for 1-24 NC employees

Desgined for firms providing support services for cleantech companies, e.g., talent recruitment, technical writing, and legal services.

Membership includes:

  • One seat on Advisory Council.
  • Unlimited participation in Action Committees.
  • Complimentary access to all RTCC events and programming.
  • Membership extends to all employees.
  • Membership requires approval by the board.


Fee: $1,500/year

Designed for academic institutions who desire increased exposure and networking, including opportunities for student engagement.

Membership includes:

  • Unlimited participation in Action Committees.
  • Special discounts on RTCC events and programming, for academic faculty, staff, and students.
  • Membership requires approval by the board.


Fee: $1,500/year

Designed for nonprofits who desire increased exposure and networking.

Membership includes:

  • Unlimited participation in Action Committees.
  • Special discounts on RTCC events and programming.
  • Membership requires approval by the board.

Local Government

Fee: $1,500/year if population is over 150,000; $500/year if population is under 150,000

Designed for local governments who desire increased exposure and networking.

Membership includes:

  • Unlimited participation in Action Committees.
  • Special discounts on RTCC events and programming.
  • Membership requires approval by the board.


Fee: $500/year

Pre-revenue focused. Membership in this category is approved for an initial two-year term and can be renewed if the company is still pre-revenue.

Membership includes:

  • Branding recognition as members of the RTCC.
  • Unlimited participation in Action Committees.
  • Special discounts on RTCC events and programming.
  • Membership requires approval by the board.