The members of our board represent companies who are leading the way in cleantech globally.
They provide core funding for the cluster and steer its work.


Dan Mantey, Chair
Vice President Marketing & Sales, Integration & Synergy Programs
Hitachi Energy | LinkedIn

Norm Sowards, Secretary-Treasurer
Head of U.S. Marketing and Market Development, Electrification Business Area
ABB, Inc.

Corporate Directors

Jack Jirak
Deputy General Counsel
Duke Energy

Tracey Mitchell
Chief Marketing Officer
Trilliant Networks

Jason Norman
Vice President, Innovation Advisors
RTI International

Andrew Wall
Senior Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer
PowerSecure International | LinkedIn

Ed White
Chair Emeritus
Field2Base Inc. | LinkedIn

Academic Directors

Dr. Greg Gangi
Associate Director for Education and Teaching Associate Professor
UNC Institute for the Environment

Dr. Eric Rohlfing
Executive in Residence, Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Sustainability
Duke University | LinkedIn

Steve Kalland
Executive Director, N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center
North Carolina State University | LinkedIn